SAturday LAke Day
Saturday Brad was going to go to Columbus to the Temple with a friend named Steve Masters for the first time all day. I didnt want to sit home all day with the kids and it was raining a I called Ann to see if we wanted to chance the rain and go to LAke Erie by her house. My friend Lisa KAy was going to cosco by the lake so she thought she might stop by. Lizzie really wanted to swim to the Buoy but it was so far out.....Lisa went with her! The water was freezes all winter and stays cold.....the best thing about Lake Erie is it looks like the ocean! All 3 girls swam a ton! Evan kept saying....BIG SANDBOX! OVER AND OVER! He was in heaven playing with sand! AS you can see it was not a sunny day but it NEVER rained! But there were times it was cold and kids needed sweaters.....thanks to Ann because I forgot to bring sweaters! We ended the day with making Ann...