
Showing posts from 2022

Emotional Coaching

 I am reading a really good book Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Children by John M. Gottman. It starts with taking a test to see what type of parent you are.  There are four different types of parenting styles which are:  The Dismissing Parent  disengages, ridicules, or curbs all negative emotions, feels uncertainty and fears feeling out of control, uses distraction techniques, feels that emotions are toxic or unhealthy, uses the passage of time as a cure-all replacement for problem-solving. Effects : Children learn that there is something wrong with them, cannot regulate their emotions, feel that what they are feeling is not appropriate, not right, and abnormal. The Disapproving Parent  is similar to the dismissing parent but more negative, judgmental and critical, controlling, manipulative, authoritative, overly concerned with discipline, and strangely unconcerned with the meaning of a child’s emotional expression. Effects : Similar to dismissing parenting...

Parenting and Gender

GENDER BOYS VS GIRLS This next topic is very controversial right now.  Dr. Phil actually just did a special last week called, "The Pronoun Debate" and touched a lot on this topic. He got very heated.  There was an interview by a lady who is raising her child without a gender.  It was shocking and surprising to see what she had to say.  But no matter how you feel about the gender debate or the pronoun debate in America today there is still the debate of how to raise girls vs boys.  Is there a difference?  Read this story for more info: Lets start out by reading this story:  One of the BYU-I professors shared the following story about parenting and gender. She said, “I had a neighbor some years ago from another country. Although we were different in many ways, we developed a deep friendship and enjoyed watching our children of similar ages play and grow together. During long summer days of sitting toget...

Parenting Styles

I haven't written a blog in many years!  My last update was June 2015! This was when I was homeschooling my daughter Emmie who is now 15 years old and in High School!  Time sure does fly!  Since then, I have decided to go back to college and study marriage, parenting, and families. I have always loved studying marriage and parenting and I am very excited to see where this leads me in my future.  I have a Facebook page dedicated to parenting but wanted to start a blog on parenting as well.  We will consider this my first post! Here is an Updated picture of my family:                                      I started teaching a parenting class in my home this week, it was so much fun.  The class is a 9-week class, and we cover just about everything when it comes to parenting. The very first class was on parenting styles.  I asked the ladies in my group who I was t...