Worst New Years ever turn to one of the Best!

I went to bed last night feeling fine....watching Big Bang Theory with the hubby eating candy going to bed at 11pm....I woke up at 8am and had to go to the bathroom really bad.....very unlike me....and it hit me before I even got up that I had a kidney infection....as I crawled into the bathroom in pain....I thought not again.....Emmie walked by and saw me on the floor and said.....Ya mom is having a baby!!! She thinks mom laying on the floor means pregnancy.....lol.....I told her she was wrong! I called the doctor and they couldn't see me until 11am....I laid in the bathroom for three hours....I was in a lot of pain.......I went to the doctors and by then I was bleeding a lot and they decided I had a kidney infection but there could be more wrong so they wanted to run further tests. It is New Years Eve just let me go home. An hour later at the doctors the doctor finally decided to send me home with meds and then the hospital called to schedule tests next week. ...