Homeschooling Blog

This blog was suppose to be about homeschooling.....but what I have realized is homeschooling means doing everything a stay at home mom does all day...throw party's, go grocery shopping, change diapers, doctor appointments, lunch dates, laundry, dishes, and of course math, science, history, and reading.  

I love that more importantly then Emmie learning to do math, spelling, and reading........she is learning to be a good mom and wife.  She is so amazing with children.....she loves babies and can hold them and play with them forever.  

Uncle Cody loves Greek Mythology so he came and did history this week. 2 more weeks of Greek history and then we will move back to science.

We got our 2nd grade math book and at the end of it she will be doing multiplication!  She loves math.

We are almost done with writing, reading, and vocab.......but not even close on spelling so we have been working a lot on spelling to catch up with the other subjects. She does not like spelling.


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