September Bench Mark

This is what Emmie has to know for her Fall test, all of this will be a walk in the park for her.

Fall Benchmark


– Students will be assessed in four areas on the fall benchmark and have one minute to complete each benchmark. The first area is Letter Naming Fluency (LNF). Students will be asked to identify as many uppercase and lowercase letters as possible. The letters are in random order.

The target for LNF in the fall is 40 correctly identified letters.

The students will be assessed on Letter Sound Fluency (LSF). They will be asked to give the sounds of the vowels and consonants. The letters will be in random order.

The target for LSF in the fall is 25 correct sounds.

The third assessment is Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF). Students will be asked to finger stretch the sounds they hear in a word they are orally given by their teacher. For example; the word "cat" would be finger stretched and said |c – a – t|.

The target for PSF in the fall is 35.

The fourth assessment is Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF). Students will be shown nonsense words (ex: |z – a – t|, |m – u – k|, |p – a – g|) and asked to either finger stretch/sound out the word or say the word on the screen in one minute.

The target for the fall benchmark is 27 for NWF.


- Students will be assessed in four areas in math and have one minute for each area. The first area is Oral Counting (OCM). Students will be asked to start at number one and count as high as they can, by ones, in one minute.

The target for the fall benchmark is 65.

Students will then be assessed on Number Identification (NIM). Students will be shown numbers 0-20 in a random pattern and asked to identify as many of the numbers by name, in one minute.

The target for the fall benchmark is 36 correctly identified numbers.

The third assessment area is Quantity Discrimination (QDM). Here students will be shown two different numbers, between 0 – 20, and asked to identify which number is the BIGGER number. They will have one minute to identify the bigger number of the two.

The target for the fall benchmark is 18.

The last area in the math portion of the assessment is Missing Number (MNM). Students will be given a series of three numbers, 0-20, where one number has been removed. This number will be the first, middle or last number in the series. Student will be asked to identify which number is missing from the series of three. They will have one minute to identify as many missing numbers as possible.

The target for the fall benchmark is 9.


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