We went skating Tuesday night for girlscouts and Emmies BFF got a hair line fracture in her growth plate in her elbow......so sad.......feel better RY!!!!!!! Well Emmie is pretty good at skating and she fell and look at her knee!!!!
This is the name of the tumor Brad has....I just googled it and it is typically something children get. This is how the appointment went....... The doctor walked in the room with a smile and said, "You know don't you?" "You called and found out the results?" I told him I didn't and his smile got bigger :) He still didn't tell us he did a few coordination tests on Brad and sat down and said, "You have a Pilocytic Astrocytoma WHO Grade 1 tumor.....and if you have a brain tumor this is the type of tumor you want to have!" YA!!!! Here are the details: -Brad has had this tumor for a long time, something happened that weekend he had the bad headaches that caused the tumor to bleed.....that's why no one was sure if it was a brain bleed or tumor. -The pathologist at the hospital could not determine what it was so it was sent off to Cleveland clinic for another set of eyes. -The brain bleed is what was causing the headache and pain not...
On Friday my friend Heatha.......she claims only Americans prounce the R........so her name is Heather but we joke with her and call her Heatha.....we love you Heather! She is from England, and we love her and her family......she has become one of my closest friends, we text all the time, spend time together, and our family spend time together. She will be moving in June and I am going to miss her terrible. She is always there when I need something, what an amazing friend! She became an American Citizen on Friday and we were super excited for her. They were coming over for dinner on Saturday night so I made a flag for dessert........ and a sign that said......Proud to be an American.... And I made this awesome pizza chip dip.....I know it's Italian but I think Americans and I think pizza.....lol! We then played Settlers and Heatha's hubby and I are both competitive and I am happy to say I won at both games!!!!! But, I think I really lost because he decided I say ...
I never thought in a 100 years I would say this statement.......life has turned upside down in a week....I don't have time to tell the whole story but here's the run down... Saturday the 29th of March ........Brad coached basketball for the youth at church and came home at 1pm and said, I have a headache. He took some Motrin. No big deal! Sunday the 30th of March .......woke up for church and he said he had a headache! took Motrin, went to church came home and slept until 5pm when we were having friends over for dinner. Monday and Tuesday ......went to work late, came home, did not eat dinner, went to bed. Cried about how bad his head hurt and thought it might explode. He kept teasing saying he had a tumor and we were all laughing at him about being a big baby.....everyone gets headaches and don't have tumors. Wednesday April 2 - Went to work and called me at noon saying he couldn't work anymore and came home. I told him he...
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