Doctors, Specialists, Besties

I have many wonderful friends in my life whom are supportive and loving.  i am thankful for everyone of them. I hope and pray that one day my daughters will consider each other their Besties.  I had to share this from Wednesday....

Early this morning I dropped my daughters off with my mom and headed to the children's hospital.  My son already had to have ear surgery earlier this summer and now it looked like he would need surgery on another problem he had. I sat in the doctors room nervously waiting and there is my bestie texting me supportive Texts. Then the doctor came in and I knew right off the bat this was not going to go well....don't judge a book by the cover but I did and I was right!!!!! He looked maybe 22 years old, hair not combed......sticking up, wrinkled clothes, and clueless.  He examined my son and against my hopes and prayers he came to the same conclusion that I already in my gut knew, there was a problem larger then I had actually realized.  He left......thank goodness....and went to get a surgeon.  

We waited 45 minutes and I was along came more funny loving texts from bestie.  The surgeon came in who I LOVED examined my son and said everything was fine, not normal, but fine and would not recommend surgery that what the previous doctor found was incorrect he was plain and simply wrong. He said he is a surgeon thats how he makes his money and would not recommend surgery.  Thank goodness for answered prayers.  

I am thankful for friends and people that make hard times easier here are a few of Besties random texts:
Good morning bestie. I'm getting up so I can go get my children.  Let me know what the doctor says.
By the way, even though I'm on thanksgiving break, you can text me anytime.  I won't put limits on our friendship.  you can text me in the middle of the night  and you can text me early in the morning and you can text me late At night.  No time is an in convience time for my bestie.
And I'll wait and text you after 10am on the weekends because that is what my bestie wants.
I'll always wait for you forever.

Then I went to Walmart because thy are matching Black Friday really didn't feel the same though without five thousand people here!

I guess we decided to take the week off from homeschooling!


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