Back to Bestie.....what did we do for 5 days?

We played a lot of SETTLERS! Brad won twice, Bestie won once, and I cant count how many times I won.....not going to lie the game got ugly from time to time because well my hubby is a sore loser!  But we all had a great night we played it until 2am and Brad nd I had to be up at 6am.....that was painful!  But worth it to be with Bestie!
If we were not eating or playing games we were doing a tour of our church history.....On Saturday we went up to Kirtland where our church built the first temple.....I was super blessed because the hubbys aunt and uncle who I love dearly watched the 5 kids (the hubby and 4 kids) so we could do the tour without the kids.....they live right by Kirtland.....Huge thank you to them for being so amazing!
This was the first place we toured.....The Whitney Store where the Word of Wisdom revelation took place!
Bestie is standing where Christ amazing is that!
The rules for the them!
In the freezing cold we went through the cemetery.....
The first was closed for tours but still cool to walk around the outside.
Then Sunday we went to church and watched the Emma Smith movie and decided on Monday to go to the Johnson Farm.......these steps Bestie is on is where our first Prophet...Joseph Smith Stood and preached the gospel.
I asked the girls what they liked best about the tour and Emmie said.....I felt like Jesus was right next to me.


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