Do u remember when Evan flushed soap down the toliet...
Saturday morning I was trying to get all four kids ready to go to lunch with the Bittner Family.....Brad was coaching Church basketball.....I was doing all three girls hair when the boy decided to throw a whole bar of Irish spring soap in the toliet.....I meant to get it out but I got distracted......
We went to lunch and the mall with our friends and had a great time.
Then we came home and Lisa and I took dinner to someone at church.
When I came home LIz informed me she flushed the toliet and it was broke! I could not get the soap out, I was hoping the water would would dissolve it......but it didn't so finally Sunday afternoon I decided to use boiling water after Marcy suggested it on facebook......and sure enough it worked!
what is next for the toliet?
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