Democrat or Republican?

Brad got home from work yesterday and this is what went down:

Liz and Emmie: Guess what dad, mom taught us the differences between democrat and republican! (the girls tell their dad everything as soon as he walks in the door.....which can be bad for sneaking a burger without dad finding
dad: What did mom tell you? (Knowing politics are not a strong suit of mine)
Liz and Emmie: Democrats steal our money and waste it on programs that don't work like Obama care!

Well that's not what I said exactly.....I told them democrats like higher taxes and replicans are about being self sufficent and taking care of ourselves and democrats give handouts to people who are too lazy to work. I also said they like to control every aspect of our life such as healthcare which does not work. I never said anything about STEALING.....but if the shoe fits wear it!


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