We will get the Power of SEX!
Don't judge me if I did the TALK right or wrong, its just how I did it, I am sure there is room for improvement.......I wasn't sure whether I wanted to put this on my blog or not but I have had so many questions on how it went, here it is! I also think talking about SEX is something we don't do so in order for it not to be awkward I am putting it out there for everyone to read. Sorry if its offensive! It has been on my mind lately something I need to do soon........the more I thought about it the more I thought I would do it at the end of summer and just do both girls at the same time. My friend Heather came over yesterday and brought me a book called......How to Talk to your child about Sex. Heather told me to tell Lizzie sex is an amazing, wonderful, spiritual experience.....I am pretty sure her and I are having different sex....its more like hurry up, I'm tired, do we have to, I have a headache, is that Evan crying, again really? I was going to...