Breakfast in bed
Foot Rub
Note from hubby

Then off to URGENT CARE
Then lunch at our favorite Japense Resturant!

Lisa and Heatha came over in the evening with gifts......Lisa made my favorite rolls.....she makes the best.....and gift coins to my favorite burger joint!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!
Heatha made me a hilarious yet sweet poster:
Number 8 and 11 are my favorite........I can't believe she knew about 13 because I have had many people tell me that.....it is kinda weird!
16 and 23 is hilarious.......I'm not sure about 22 because I thought my bestie knew everything about me and I dropped a bombshell on her this week.......lol......
I love this poster and will keep it forever......thanks so much!!!! I really hate that she is leaving me in a few months!!!!!
This is my mothers card.....wow could not be more perfect!
Liz informed me I'm the best mom in America......not Asia, or Africa!
Emmie doesn't want me to forget my age!
We ended the night with the kiddos in bed and Brad going to my favorite burger joint for a late night dinner together.


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