
Well I was trying to keep it on a down husband and three other people knew that today was the day.....biopsy day.....I needed a biopsy done and did not want the whole world to know.....but my dear loving husband who I am not talking to ever again decided to tell my see I had it all planned out.....the hubby was going to watch the kids, I would drive myself get the biopsy done and come home.....if needed I would call my friend Heather to pick me up....well that dear loving husband did not think me going alone was a great idea so he asked my dad to go with me.  

Then to top things off the boy got the stomach flu and was throwing up all night.....I'm so tired I might sleep through the whole biopsy.  I'm also not sure when it happened in my ten years of parenting that sleeping with throw up in my hair was way more important then a shower!


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