I would consider Brad and I do be spiritual, God believing, church going people. We go to church every Sunday ( even when he has a killer headache from a tumor), we pray every morning and evening as a family, we pray individually, we pray over meals, we go to the temple as often as we can, we read the scriptures, we do our callings at church, we believe in GOD there is no doubt about it. I hope that friends whom are not too close to us and even strangers can talk to us and know we live a faith center life with trying to be Christ like at all times, and places. With that said FAITH can be hard, believing in something you do not see. I have always had faith there is a God but sometimes when I stopped to think really hard, or over analyzed a situation, or think about death, I think I could be just a little wrong about there being a GOD? My answer always comes back to No, there has to be a God. But BAD things happen to good people, would a God really do that? Unsure I ...