I do NOT have FAITH in God anymore, I KNOW there is a God

I would consider Brad and I do be spiritual, God believing, church going people. We go to church every Sunday ( even when he has a killer headache from a tumor), we pray every morning and evening as a family, we pray individually, we pray over meals, we go to the temple as often as we can, we read the scriptures, we do our callings at church, we believe in GOD there is no doubt about it.  I hope that friends whom are not too close to us and even strangers can talk to us and know we live a faith center life with trying to be Christ like at all times, and places.

With that said FAITH can be hard, believing in something you do not see.  I have always had faith there is a God but sometimes when I stopped to think really hard, or over analyzed a situation, or think about death, I think I could be just a little wrong about there being a GOD? My answer always comes back to No, there has to be a God. But BAD things happen to good people, would a God really do that? Unsure I was not but often thought hard about God.  But now there is no possible way for me to even be a tiny bit of uncertainty that God exists. Not because he gave my husband a miracle, that he saved my husband, or that he does not have cancer but because he gave the men in our church the PRIESTHOOD.

We belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and we are the only church the has the Priesthood that was given to Joseph Smith through angels from Christ.

With the Power of the Priesthood we can receive personal blessing for us straight from God himself.  It's our own personal phone line.  I once again have always believed in the power of the PRIESTHOOD through faith.   But I NO longer have faith.....faith is believing is something you can not see......I know for a hard FACT the PRIESTHOOD is true, not faith but proof of truth.

You see Brad received a new calling at church a little before Christmas.  He was called as 2nd counselor in the elders quorum presidency which means he helps with men age 18 plus, he does a variety of things from teaching lessons, visiting others, helping, coordinating, and loving others.  When you get a calling at church no matter what it is you get "set apart" and receive a personal blessing from God.  So, Brad sits in a chair in the middle of the room and 2 men put their hands on Brads head who have the PRIESTHOOD and give him a blessing from God.  The man who gave Brad the blessing is a counselor in the Stake presidency and not a friend, not someone we talk to, not someone who has been to our home, not someone who probably even knows our kids name. (Nice guy just trying to show you he does not know us personally).  Therefore what he says clearly has to come from God not previous knowledge about our family (not that we knew about Brads brain tumor at the time).  When he gave Brad the blessing one of his first words were, "you will have a big trial this year and you will endure it".......as soon as he said it I was thinking why in the word would you say that? That is horrible, what is wrong with him? Brad and I quietly walked to the car and as soon as we got in brad said.....what was he talking about? Big trial? What is it? We had some random guesses but were totally freaked out.  We had enough faith to know this was true and going to happen but hoping not. This man of God clearly could not, have randomly predicted a big trial unless it came straight from God!!!! How amazing is this? We were told, straight from God months ago this was
going to happen!!!! (therefore this could no longer be faith when this actually did happen, its now a fact, this man was told by God Brad was going to have a big trial in his life and this man was right....no coincidence)

Brad received many wonderful PRIESTHOOD blessing through this trial all of them which did come true.  I was not their for the one Brother Kay and the missionary's gave him in the hospital.  I was not there for another one he received when we came home with bad news.  I received one by the missionary's too.  But the day before surgery Joe Ellsworth and Ed Kay gave Brad another one.  It was the most powerful blessing I have ever heard.  Joe laid his hands on Brads head and said, "YOU will be healed COMPLETELY"....it almost felt like something on TV where Brad would jump up and be fine right that second.  But afterwards Brad still did not feel good and ended up needing surgery and a few bad weeks since then have passed and we went to the doctors yesterday and guess what God once again spoke to us directly through Joe and was right Brad did not have cancer and was HEALED completely! Once again not faith but hard cold facts......God whom you must have faith in I no longer have faith in I have facts that he is real and spoke to us.....I have proof!!!!
I do NOT have faith God exists anymore I know God exists !!!!!!!



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