I have been horrible blogging.....but I guess I have a great excuse right?
So I will left off from the last post....
Fri - they wheeled him off to surgery - the doctor and anesthesiologist came in at the same time and told Brad they needed to operate and go now. Brad cried, and said to tell the kids he loves them.....Ann cried and he told her to tell Brian he loves him.....my dad and I cried and said goodbye. As they were wheeling him away the last words I heard him say were....."I am not getting a catheter!"
The three of us went to the waiting room where we got a pager and decided we should eat we had five hours to kill......a friend, we won't name names told us about this awesome restaurant at the hospital and after asking around it was the wrong hospital! So we settled for nasty cafeteria hospital food (I really wanted creme brulee though).
We laughed, cried, and laughed a whole bunch more (crying was not going to help the situation). Then the pager went off and they said the phone was for me. A nurse on the phone was just updating me letting me know he was still in surgery and doing well. My dad and Ann thought the worst and was holding their breathe and when they realized it was ok they both let out air at the same time....and more laughter.
The doctor came out and said everything went great except his brain was so swollen it popped out of his skull....he would have died this weekend. We asked the doctor questions we had thought of all day. Ann asked a funny question about estrogen and we all laughed some more.
Then I got to see brad it seemed like forever but they could not get him stable in recovery, high blood pressure, pain not under control, breathing........ Finally I got to see him and he looked like death. If he was going to be that way much longer I would shot him to put him out of his pain and misery. I told him as soon as he was stable he could go to nicu. He said, "I don't want to be around screaming babies!!!!" I told him Nero ICU. He also asked, "How is the beach?" because his parents were at the beach. The only two things he said in recovery.
Then they moved him to nicu where he was in and out of it. I ran home to feed Evan and put the kids to bed. Then I picked up my friend Heather and she went back to the hospital with me. When we got there my dad and Ann were in the front lobby they said they got kicked out of nicu. Heather and I went back in nicu and Brad was unstable and we sat with him but his blood pressure was everywhere then he yelled at Heather and me to be quiet....he doesn't remember this. So we decided for Ann to sneak in his room and sleep next to him so he was never alone when he woke up. Heather, my dad, and I went to Denny's it's like midnight and we ran into my brother and his girlfriend!
Saturday - back at the hospital at 8 am to relive Ann to go home. Brad got his catheter out and I gave him a sponge bath and dressed him. At 1pm they moved us to the Nero floor out of nicu. I drove back and forth to the hospital 4 times and the kids got to see him.
Sunday - they said he could go home with a walker and cane since he was not steady on his feet. We got home around 2pm.
Monday - Saturday .........is one big blur. I do know Thursday I was suicidal and if there was a bridge to jump off I would have. It was like a newborn plus 4 kids being a single parent. I was up all night moving brad from sofa to chair, feeding him every 4 hours, meds every 4 hours, drinks, bathroom....errr....my brother spent Thursday night so I could sleep which was so nice because if not I was running away.
I texted a friend if I could come lay on her coach on Thursday and she said she had lunch plans. She did not know I desperately needed her because I am not good at sharing my feelings. She knows now and I get to tease her forever that she was not there when I needed her the most...lol.....jk.....I still love her!
I texted a friend if I could come lay on her coach on Thursday and she said she had lunch plans. She did not know I desperately needed her because I am not good at sharing my feelings. She knows now and I get to tease her forever that she was not there when I needed her the most...lol.....jk.....I still love her!
Friday - Ed Kay babysat brad so we could get out and take the kids to the zoo!!! We had a great time, my brother came, Lisa & Carter, and Kim & Kaitlynn....we went to CICI for lunch! Much better Day!
Saturday - we had breakfast with my dad, softball practice, and we we dyed eggs!
Sunday- was Easter and we had my parents over, the missionary's, and Cody and his girlfriend.
Monday- we had a party for Bubby......Lisa has a 20 year old son who has a stuffed rabbit and his birthday was Monday so we had a Birthday party for him!!!
with carrot cake!
Now for week number two it has been way easier, Brad is moving on his own and not getting up at night. Tuesday he left the house for the first time and we went to lunch!
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