Long Weekend!

Well we were suppose to start the weekend off with a double date on Friday night with the Kays but our babysitters fell through.....they were sick.....which was good because Evan and Brad ended up sick...we hold no grudges Ellsworths :)

So Evan ended up with the Croup and Brad ended up with a sinus infection which is giving him a bad headache.  HEADACHE!!!! Hasn't the boy suffered enough! He was pretty unfunctional all weekend...more single parenting time for me!

Saturday morning Liz had softball in the cold, rainy, muddy weather, Maddie had soccer which she hates and cries the whole time on the field which other parents think I am the worse mom ever because I make her sit on the field and scream and cry! She is finishing the season though, you must finish what you start! There were only 4 kids on the team that showed up and you play 4 against 4 so she had to be on the field the whole game....oh it was ugly!

Brad slept all afternoon and evening on Saturday.

Sunday we stayed home from church to give Brad more time to rest. Evan is still croupy.

I will be calling then neurosurgeon in the morning.......Brad now has a weird divet in his head by his left ear and is tired all the time...he is either at work or sleeping...hoping the doctor can help.


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