Mark Asper......NFL Football Player/Cousin

My cousin Michelle married Mark and he plays for the Buffalo Bills. My husband loves sports and football and when Mark found out about Brads brain tumor he decided to have the team sign a helmet to help Brad get well and come visit Brad.  Brad loves Mark and we all had a great time!

I was sitting in my chair when I saw a tall guy get out of his car in our drive way and I started yelling to Brad...MARK ASPER IS HERE!  Brad did not believe me....but trust me I do not know anyone taller then him! It had to be him!

Friday night we took him to our Church Fundraiser, Silent Auction and then came home and played games (well they played games and I hugged the toilet....super sad I could not play :( ).

Saturday we woke up and went to breakfast with my parents, Lizzies first Softball Game, Maddies Soccer practice, and up to Kirtland for the boys to do a tour, and to dinner with Brian, Ann, and the Bittner Family.

We had a great time! We love you Mark!

Cody and Mark had a JOKE- OFF to see who knew the most jokes and it was hilarious!!!! We laughed so hard we cried!


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