First Day of school

When Emmie grows up she wants to go on a mission first then go to school to be a fashion designer.

Today we started a little after nine and did math until ten.  math is really easy for Emmie.  She did like 5 pages!  in public school no matter how fast or smart she is she had to stay on the same pace as everyone else.

then she had "circle time" from ten to eleven with her class and teacher.  It was hard but it was the first day.  trying to figure out how to raise her hand etc.....

Now we are are doing history it is about the continents, I do not like the way K12 does is a lot of reading and she is only in first grade!  So we are kinda doing our own thing.

then lunch and recess from noon till 1pm......and that was our morning!

Did I mention Evan is sick our one year old and screamed the whole time!


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