How I joined a co- op

I'm not sure what that meant at first but know I do!  This is actually a story about How God works!

We went to my oldest daughters back to school night, I was in the hall ways with literally hundreds of other parents and one of my friends yelled across the hall....who is emmies teacher?   I yelled back....I am homeschooling her.   There was a lady standing beside her who kinda looked at me funny.  I thought it was odd, and I know all the parents at the school and I had never seen this lady before.   Then it clicked with me that when we drove into the school I saw her, her husband, and four kids walking and I made a comment to my husband that they look like our twin family.   The kids were all about the same ages and they looked like good parents.......yes sorry to be judging others upon the way they look. Getting off we went to my oldest daughters classroom and the teacher talked for about 15 minutes and we were excused to put our children's things away.   This lady I saw in the hall way came up to me......I have to be honest I felt what ever she was going to say was going to be judge mental and critical about me home schooling.  I feel there is a home schooling stigma.  So here we go, I have to explain myself AGAIN!   But NO she was the sweetest kindest lady ever.....she is in charge of a local Christian home schooling co-op!   She is homeschooling a daughter the same age as my daughter.  She is putting her oldest daughter in public school for the first time ever and she is in my oldest daughters class!  She invited me to a meeting the following day at her house!  I was SO excited!  See how God had that all work out? She had to be in the exact right spot for her to hear I was homeschooling!


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