Why I chose to take my child out of Public School!

I get this question asked ALOT to me......and the truth is I never have a great answer and If I do I can not get it across and say it the way I want too.  The truth is I am homeschooling because I FEEL it is best for my daughter.

I have four children and they all learn differently and have different personalities......shocking I know!  So at the end of every school year we will evaluate which learning option is best for each child.  I am blessed to be a stay at home mom so my schedule is really their schedule.

My oldest daughter is 9 years old and is in an advanced 3/4 split class in public school......she is in fourth grade and was in this class also last year.  It is set up for the highest scoring 12 third graders, and highest scoring 12 fourth graders.  My daughter is VERY social and LOVES school.  She happens to be smart but does not apply herself.  It can take her hours to do one page of homework because she is day dreaming......I often feel that she has ADD and even talked to her teacher about it.....but I am pretty sure she thought I was crazy because my daughter is the BEST kid in her class.....she says she wished she has 24 of my daughters in her class!  My daughters personality is very different then mine.....I am very fast paced and she is a lot like her dad and like to take breaks every five minutes. She does NOT want to homeschool and I do not think it is the best option for her learning style, so we left her in public school.

Emmie my 6 year old I am homeschooling was in kindergarten last year and seemed bored out of her mind. She had stomach aches all the time that eventually turned into headaches......none of which she has had this summer......she missed 23 days of school!  She did EXTREMELY well on all the standardized teranova testing.  She HATED school and had a GREAT teacher!  She had friends but seemed to careless about really hanging out with them.  After thinking about what was best for her we decided to go the homeschool route.

My three year old daughter will go to preschool part time at our public school.


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